In Restaurant La Alcazaba de Mijas we have a wide catalog for you to choose the menu of your wedding. We have variety in national and international food that will delight your guests.
Consult us and receive a complete personalized advice.
Group menu
In Restaurant La Alcazaba de Mijas we have a wide catalog for you to choose the menu of your wedding. We have variety in national and international food that will delight your guests.
Consult us and receive a totally personalized advice.
Orientale menu
In Restaurant La Alcazaba de Mijas we also have a wide range of delicious dishes for oriental groups. We use select ingredients to prepare this delicious meal.
Special for tourists!
Our menu iin different languages
Contact details
Adress: Plaza de la Constitución La Alcazaba, 305
29650 Mijas (Málaga)
Phones: 952 590 253
952 486 397
Timetable: martes a domingo: 12:30 a 16:00 h y de 19:00 a 23:00 h.
Contact form